
v. 28 – Q4 2023

Market Executive Summary Iraq Ministry of Health and Environment, Department of Public Medical Clinics, GDB Section of Administration of Pricing Label for Medicines issued an update on 11 April 2023 regarding the provision of the pricing labels / stickers: The pricing stickers will now carry a QR code to link to information provided by the National Medicine System (and accessed using the Gudea app

The approach is not GS1 compatible.

The pricing sticker containing the QR code will be of a different shape, requiring artwork update to accommodate the larger stickers.

The stated aim of the system / app is to “to track and track medicines and medical preparations from the moment they enter Iraq until they reach the citizen. The system also aims to combat fraud and drug smuggling, strengthen drug control by the relevant regulatory authorities and enable the citizen to verify the safety of medicines by scanning the QR code printed on the label and displaying the most important information about the medicine such as name, expiration date, official price and manufacturer, in addition to achieving national drug security by providing accurate data and statistics for stakeholders at the levels of Medicines within the country and where they are located.”

For more information check the information on the National Drug System website

Key Dates November 4, 2023

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